Good morning everyone. Well we had a great snow storm here yesterday. (11"at the official Schooner Mary Day Global Headquarters/Appleton Weather Circus measurement station, the barbeque on the porch.) Actually it is still snowing lightly this morning. The kids had a chance to stay home from school and play in the snow all day. We took advantage of the day to set up the Christmas tree and catch up on office work. (Yes, crew your sea time letters are in the mail at last.) Is it me or have you ever noticed that having a "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree is right up there on the list of holiday cool. Well our indoor tree is a long way from Currier and Ives but we love it just the same and it has lots of cool factor. Hanging all those homemade ornaments that the kids made in pre-school is a joy. Made with pipe cleaners, construction paper and lots of glitter they make the tree complete. Nadie got to put the angel on top, an honor worth fighting over in this house! Our outdoor Christmas tree stays lit year round. We let nature do the decorating. Now that has all the Currier and Ives one could ask for.
I took a long walk in the woods yesterday afternoon under the guise of hunting. The woods were quiet and the snow deep. The kids and I plowed late in the afternoon. Nadie actually fell asleep in Sawyer's lap while riding shotgun. Very cute.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.