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The Home Stretch

Good morning everyone. Finally, I am back from Texas and have survived a weekend at the local EMT seminars. I am ready to get up and stir after three straight days of sitting still. There is no lack of job security here. The kids are back to school after a long weekend. Even Gussie is heading for the vets today for her greatly appreciated annual boosters. The list is endless and now we just race the weather and the removal of the docks. A gentle rain is falling. The thermometer is at 36. High tide is at 1230 in Camden.

As you know, Jen and the crew have been painting out the main cabin and it looks fabulous. We are having to run heaters to keep things warm enough to paint. The nights have been quite chilly so a balmy 55 degrees in the main cabin is good enough for us. Most of the sandtone overheads and walls are done and today the off-white will be painted. This is the home stretch as far as the docks are concerned. Time to launch the winter skiff and begin thinking about the 7 cords of firewood sitting in the driveway. There are leaves to rake, a lawn to mow (have we put off the September mowing long enough?), and a house to clean before the relatives arrive next week. Talk about a home stretch.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.


Michele B said…
Over the river and through the woods, to Barry and Jen's we go. :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We all can be thankful for so many things. Wonderful vacations aboard the Mary Day, new friends that I met on board, and memories to last a lifetime are top on my "thank-you" list. Hugs.