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Moving Mountains

Good morning everyone. Katie, Jen and I have been wicked busy trying to clean up fall outdoor projects before the snows of winter bury everything in the door yard under several feet of snow. "Twitching" tree length logs from the woods is the easiest way to get firewood to the splitter. One of our woods roads was blocked by the presence of a small building used to house our harbor tug "Chadwick". Katie was a little taken aback when I suggested we move the building to a more suitable location. "What could possibly go wrong?" Is it me or do all guys in their late 40s say, "Hold my beer. Watch this!" Hanging on to what tiny shreds of youth are still available it is like we pre-geazers are taking one last stab at believing we really are competent in the wrinkled face of our impotence.
Caution thrown to the wind we jacked the building up on to our 16 foot tandem axle flatbed. With this 20'X 12' building being of economy construction, 2x4s and recycled shrink wrap from the schooner, gross tonnage was hardly the issue. Our old 1941 Ford 9N scarcely missed a beat towing the entire rig up the hill and backing said building into a tight spot between a few other lumber sheds in the back 40. I only nicked one pile of firewood during the journey which is OK by me considering the "house of cards" potential at hand. I think Katie was impressed to have something new to put on her resume. Jen had a crook in her neck from shaking her head at the whole affair. And I, in my dream like state, believe I have staved off the wrath of time for another few minutes. But, isn't that part of the fun of all this windjammer stuff anyway? The schooner let's us do this superhuman stuff that folks ashore just read about. Feeling the tension of the wheel in your hand as the schooner scuds along in a stiff breeze gets the heart pounding and makes you feel alive. Now that is a sure cure for anything that ails you.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.


sarahk said…
You have a harbor tug named "Chadwick"... And I have tears in my eyes remembering that good man. I remain inspired by his daily declaration of "It's the most beautiful day in the history of the world!"
Michele B said…
Bravo Captain! If you sit on a rocking chair doing nothing you are going to get old quickly. But if you are active and willing to try new things, you stay young. You have two active teens to chase after, and many Mary Day-trippers in your care, so keep moving!

You write about the feeling of being behind the wheel. I have a great picture on my dresser of me behind the wheel of the Mary Day, sporting a billion-kilowatt smile. That is a memory that will warm my heart until the day I die. ;-)

Please keep the blog going and don't ever slow down. Abrazos, Michele B
Anonymous said…
Good on you and Sawyer that old Ford came through with the required tork. I used to drive a Fordson with turf tires around a golf course in Rye Beach, NH towing a five gang mower to cut down the rough on the eve of ladies' day. Jim

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