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White Sand Beaches

Good morning everyone. I was coming up the drive way the other day when I saw this pattern in the snow. I instantly thought of white sand beaches and ripples sculpted by the waves. Have you ever seen this? It is incredible that nature can create such beauty, asymmetrical though it may be. Each ripple influences the shape on the next down stream ripple by changing the way the water (or wind in this case) moves across the surface, The fact that I am thinking about sandy beaches might make you think I have a one track mind. Maybe I do. But I am reminded of a few island picnic spots we visit that do have beautiful sand beaches and how nice it is to be with everyone on a hot summer day enjoying good food and swimming.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.


Dan Stuart said…
It looks lile a good place to land a sleigh!... Yes, I remember white sand beaches. I also remember all of the fun I had on the mary Day this year. I am so grateful that I could be there to share it with you. Best wishes for the Holidays!
Michele B said…
Dear Captain. Memories of good times aboard the Mary Day keep me smiling all year long!
Happy holidays to all. May the new year and new decade bring joy, health, love, and many more trips on the beautiful Mary Day.
Abrazos, Michele
Unknown said…
Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus to all my Mary Day friends and all the friends of the Mary Day. I wish everyone a healthy happy 2010 (the last year of the first decade of the 21st century).

My memories of sailing on the Mary Day are only saddened by the loss of our shipmate Mary Barney. She remains in my thoughts during this festive time of year.

Here in the sunny south we have white sand beaches along the Gulf coast but no snow for sledding. We will enjoy the season all the same.
Unknown said…
Hey Capts. Barry and Jen, Your picture of the snowy field was like something I saw too the other day and I thought 'This is so beautiful!!' We are so blessed to live in the area we do, Mid Coast Maine.
What do I love about the Mary Day? She is living History that I can see each day and know all is well in the world and come spring when her covers are taken off I know Spring is here!