Good morning everyone. This week we have been trying to tie up loose ends aboard the schooner and prepare for the removal of the docks for the winter. Katie and Rob have been busy vacuuming the bilges and painting the galley. If you ever thought of bilges as dirty, disgusting crevices that no one ever wants to look at… well, you are right. But being the guy accused of being “fastidious” by one journalist I like my bilges clean as can be. Where does all that dirt come from in just one season? That is a mystery rivaling the question of why the chicken crossed the road. With scrub brush and vacuum in hand the bilges get cleaned from stem to stern, a heroic effort deserving of great praise.
Today is Friday and as any of you who have sailed with us know… that means “Flair Friday.” Flair Friday has become a bit of a crew tradition the past couple of seasons and the longer it continues the more the crew try to “out-flair” each other. Even guest sand the kids jump in. Rob’s golf getup, complete with a bag of clubs, set the pace for others to follow. There is no way you are gonna see me in fish net stockings. The flair is a wonderful excuse to laugh at ourselves and goodness knows I need to do more of that everyday. So try a little flair on today and see how the mood at the office brightens. Don’t dress down… dress up!
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.
Thanks for the picture. That one was taken during our trip. The "flamingals" Flo and Mingo were a hoot!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May you have no travel hassles and may your turkey be moist. :)