Good morning everyone. Greetings from a secluded little cove just east of Stonington. We experienced an incredibly hot day yesterday with lots of sun and light winds all day long. The end of the afternoon was punctuated by a series of rain showers and shifting winds that made us quite happy to be on the hook and hunkered under the awnings. Sunset was just crazy with deep blues and golden greens (if you ever saw a spruce clad island lit by the setting sun you will know what I am talking about). The low scudding clouds were everywhere keeping our heads spinning in all directions. Thin ribbons of clouds hovered close to the water at times and were blown in undulating waves as they skittered across the cove. All very enchanting indeed.
Some of us took advantage of the opportunity to swim and rinse off the cares of the day. Folks often ask me how cold the water is and I respond in my usual fashion by suggesting that the question be rephrased. Wouldn’t it be better to ask how “warm” the water is. At least the thinking would be headed in the right direction. The former phrasing suggests a certain assumption that the water is freezing, which it just might be. But if one were to phrase the question relating the idea of warmth to the situation it might ease the process of easing in to Maine’s fabulously refreshing waters. Now I am not trying to fool anyone here. There are folks who make it their badge of honor not to swim in Maine. Just fine I say. I merely suggest that if we are a product of the language we use then what harm can come from adopting the positive approach. And those folks who are asking are often the ones looking for permission to go for it. I know that by days end I was tired of being hot and sweaty and the water was positively the tonic I needed.
And then there is the issue of temperature. I will preach to my dying day that the numbers on a thermometer are an artificial reflection of human temperament that we all too often allow to set the boundaries of our lives. Maybe that is why we here in the US have not adopted the Celsius equivalent. Imagine having to wrap our minds around going to the beach on a day when a thermometer only reads 27 degrees! I encourage guests to chose quality over quantity every time (unless of course I am trying to shamelessly sell that last dozen lobsters at the picnic). Besides, who among us does not enjoy the bragging rights that come with telling your neighbor back home that you swam in Maine. Great stories of adventure don’t come free. In the story over the back yard fence back home I am pretty sure we had to cut a hole in the ice at the bottom of the swim ladder.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.
Check out the video at Starlings on Ot moor .
Also if you are interested in Dylan's sailing trip the first of his, so far, 22 videos is titled Keep Turning Left.