Good morning everyone. Wow what a couple of days we have had.
Monday we left Camden and the heat behind. It was clear up into the
70s here in town and 80s further inland. This captain was more than
happy to leave the humidity on shore. Something peculiar was in the
air for everyone including the wildlife. I don't know if I will ever
see it again but we sighted 18 razor billed auks and a puffin without
leaving the bay. Generally these birds are seen offshore outside of
the bay. Now I have seen one or two razor bills inside the bay but
never this many with such consistency. The winds were light all day
so we sailed right through dinner. The light was just phenomenal at
Tuesday we enjoyed a very lively sail with the wind southeast which
blew us back through Merchant Row and up here to the head of
Eggemoggin Reach. Fog was thick so we may have to get back to
Merchant Row to enjoy it in the clearer weather but the fog does lend
a certain mystical whimsie to the spruce and granite shores.
Thunderstorms were looming here in Maine so we headed for the
anchorage at 9.6 knots with all sail flying and managed to get a walk
ashore before supper. We were up for a good part of the night as the
wind gusted from passing storm cells. It was all quite thrilling.
During this Audubon naturalist cruise we are looking for new
connections between us and nature. One not need look far but the
example set by the first Audubon wardens here in Maine is of special
interest. The lighthouse keepers at Matinicus Rock, Great Duck Light
and Eagle Island Light, just to name a few, assured that the puffin
and auks we saw on Monday were not just an accident. I can hear a
bald eagle chirping outside my cabin in the pines onshore. Its call
reminding me that wildness still stirs my heart and that saving
threatened species, large or small, is a good thing to do.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.