Good morning everyone from Isle Au Haut. I have been here numerous
times over the years though less and less these past few years as the
tiny anchorage at the village has gained a few more moorings. We did
not have much wind yesterday and pushed most of the afternoon. We
managed to squeak in to anchor at one end of the thorofare and get
ashore for a walk before dinner. The kids and I visited the church complete with its traditional New England codfish wind vane on top and some lovely stained glass windows. Built in 1857 it is a spiritual place on the hill overlooking the bay. I read the proverbs while the kids played preacher in the pulpit.On this day I am especially conscious of how fragile our lives can be. I am thankful to be here, thankful for the guests that share themselves with us, thankful for the life in the bay. It is all good, even on a rainy day like this.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.
Photos by Neil Parent.