this. While most folks ashore are enjoying(?) hazy, hot, and humid
conditions we are out on the bay surrounded by islands with a cool
breeze. I am terrible in heat and humidity. I wilt like a delicate
flower. We could actually see the heat rising off the land and every
time we sailed in to the lee of the land the heat was just
oppressive. So I was thankful for the opportunity to don a wind breaker.
Life in the islands is very good. The heat rising from the land
yesterday generated a vigorous onshore breeze. We were tearing along
at better the 9 knots at times yesterday. Tacking through the Pond
Island Passage between Blue Hill and Jericho Bays was just awesome.
We are seeing tons of jellyfish these days. Burnt Coat Harbor was
teaming with them and the anchorage here in Brooklin has numerous
jellies drifting and swimming along in the tide. The kids are
fascinated by the tiny babies. While most of the jellyfish are
harmless Moon jellies we managed to snag a red Lion's Mane, the sting
of which can really smart. They can grow to be really big, the
largest around here for sure and we do catch a fascinating glimpse of
one every once in a while .
We are going to take advantage of the calm this morning to explore
one of the local islands and have our lobster picnic at noon. I
think I over-bought on lobster again. Darn. Good thing I don't mind
eating leftovers.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.