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Showing posts from February, 2010

The Speed of Sound

Good morning everyone. If time flies when you're having fun what does it mean when time is going at the speed of sound? We are in a big push right now. Sarah and Katie have been working very hard to get projects done. Blockfest is finished and the replacement of so many patent roller bearings with bronze oilite sleeves will reduce the maintenance time next winter. The trail boards, those beautiful boards with the gilded scroll work that grace the bows, are all painted. Jen will touch up the gold leaf in the spring. Our small boat Rosie is painted and Anna awaits her turn in the shop. The yawl boat Arno is in the barn. Katie and Sarah are stripping the varnish on the rails this morning. Varnish is beautiful but it does tend to look tired after a while. The office has actually been quite busy with the usual year end turn around and many reservations coming in. This spring like weather is getting everyone excited about sailing this summer. Speaking of which, we finalized plans to...

Burnt Island

Good morning everyone. Happy Groundhog day to all. Will Phil see his shadow or not? The kids are hoping Phil sees his shadow and we get six more weeks of winter. The weather has been so beautiful here this last week that I am quite content with the beauty of this season. For any of you who have been around the schooner for any amount of time you have undoubtedly met Bruce. A dear friend, Bruce care takes a small summer cottage, a work of art itself, on Burnt Island. A week ago we had a rainy and blustery southeaster that blew some shingles off the roof. I had the good fortune to give Bruce a hand making repairs. The day was so beautiful that we just had to take a stroll. So Bruce with his ever present coffee cup and me with camera in hand, my heart leaping like a little child, we strolled through the spruce woods and over the granite bedrock. The light was so bright it actually hurt to look up at times, a true antidote for cabin fever. I am not a photographer but I love to try to ca...