Many of you have by now seen my lobster bake photo in the Mary Day 2010 calendar. Pretty wild, huh? And I've gotten a couple of "HOW did you do that?" questions. So I might as well answer all at once. I wish I could tell you it's my idea, completely original, etc. Not so much. I found this technique on the internet. Here's a good roundup of how it's done: Fairly simple: 1. Make a panoramic series. In this case, I stood on a rock with a good 360-degree view, with the schooner, the lobster bake and the beginning of sunset. I then took about a dozen pictures, turning a few degrees each time and making sure I overlapped enough. (I hesitate to publicly name a private island but I'll tell you it's near Bucks Harbor. If you know the area, you can likely figure it out.) 2. Turn the series into a panorama I use Photoshop's "autostitch" function to automatically (if slowly) cr...