Good morning everyone. The roll of the vessel under foot once again does feel good. We had a great Memorial Day Weekend shakedown cruise. The weather was just fantastic and the guests were awesome. We left the harbor with a stiff northwest wind that carried us across to Merchant Row and our first lobster picnic of the season. A sunny beach, a warm fire, and more than enough lobster finished out a perfect first day. We all had big eyes as we short tacked Mary Day up into the anchorage in Pulpit Harbor on Sunday. I wish I could have been onshore watching. Camden was too close and Monday came too soon. Our turn around was quick as we greeted a school group from Connecticut on Tuesday and off we sailed again in a stiff northwest wind. The crew has been truly amazing teaching all day and standing their watches by night. This is not the most relaxed way to start a season and they deserve all the kudos for hustling and keeping their young charges moving as well. Yeste...
The schooner Mary Day offers summer sailing
vacations departing from Camden, Maine.
This captains' blog is about our various
activities aboard the schooner and ashore.