Good morning everyone! You’ll never guess...0 degrees. We are gonna have braggin’ rights here pretty quckly if this keeps us and according to the weather folks we are in for a stretch of cold Arctic air. Our fire department was called out late last night for a minor fender bender (car vs tree on an icy road) and the cold temperature just doesn’t seem to matter when you have some reason to be out. Now heat on the other hand...I can’t do heat. I wilt in the humidity. How you folks from warm climates do it, I will never know. So I guess it just comes down to what you are used. Which makes me think, not that I do that alot but..... I received a phone call from a local teacher yesterday afternoon asking if I might be willing to talk to her alternative high school class about what I do for a living. Just talk about how you got in to the business and how you learned about boats and sailing, she says. Well I grew up around boats as a wee little urchin. I spent the first years of my l...
The schooner Mary Day offers summer sailing
vacations departing from Camden, Maine.
This captains' blog is about our various
activities aboard the schooner and ashore.