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Burnt Island

Good morning everyone. Happy Groundhog day to all. Will Phil see his shadow or not? The kids are hoping Phil sees his shadow and we get six more weeks of winter. The weather has been so beautiful here this last week that I am quite content with the beauty of this season.
For any of you who have been around the schooner for any amount of time you have undoubtedly met Bruce. A dear friend, Bruce care takes a small summer cottage, a work of art itself, on Burnt Island. A week ago we had a rainy and blustery southeaster that blew some shingles off the roof. I had the good fortune to give Bruce a hand making repairs. The day was so beautiful that we just had to take a stroll. So Bruce with his ever present coffee cup and me with camera in hand, my heart leaping like a little child, we strolled through the spruce woods and over the granite bedrock. The light was so bright it actually hurt to look up at times, a true antidote for cabin fever.
I am not a photographer but I love to try to capture the feeling of depth, light and life in the island forests. Jim Dugan sat on one shoulder while Neal Parent sat on the other whispering encouragement and advice. If you haven't had a chance to learn from these folks you are missing out. But please don't judge their teaching efforts by this random selection. I can only try to follow their advice and do my best to keep up with Bruce.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.


Unknown said…
I watched on TV this morning as Phil saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter. I think even a Southerner like Alabama Al could survive a Maine winter if the days were all like the one you shared with Bruce on Burnt Island. Great photos, thanks for sharing.
"I am not a photographer but..."

Don't give me that. Just show us your pictures and let us judge.

What makes a photographer (as opposed to a camera pointer) is the ability to not just show what something looked like but to convey what it FELT like to be there.

You have done that. You ARE a photographer.
Annie said…
Well, depends which 'Phil' you listen to. Staten Island's Chuck did not see his shadow and he has had 79% accuracy in predictions, as opposed to Punxsutawney Phil who has a much lower accuracy (I can't find the #'s right now). Either way, we had some snow last night and the drive to work today reminded me of the beauty of snow, and how I wish I was making snow angels, instead of driving on the Garden State Parkway!
Lois said…
Ahhh, Bruce, how we miss ya!!! The ever present coffee cup and the "old black/green" wool shirt ...
Anne of MA said…
I LOVE YOUR PICS ESP. THE ICE.. Good to see Bruce is still carrying coffee cup..
Michele B said…
Barry, you don't give yourself enough credit. You are a photographer. Those pictures are lovely, and they do convey the feeling of the place.
Who cares what those rodents predict? Enjoy the season, live in the moment, and give thanks that you are alive!
Abrazos Michele B
Dudley said…
As one who has had your back on many photo ops I can say that you do indeed have the photographic eye. Plus you have overcome the biggest obstacle to eye catching images:keeping your camera with you always, lens hood on, cap off!!

Dan Stuart said…
Shadow or no... In six short weeks we will have St. Patrick's day. Things will definitely be looking greener then!

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